Friday, August 15, 2008

life...and some more...

quote " If God gave me a wish I'd erase you from my mind " unquote

Life is an epitome of balance...It is a concoction of good and bad, birth and death, joy and pain,love and hatred...Life is a cycle of change...constant change...It turns and tosses us around like a salad in the make...Sometimes there are other salad leaves at the bottom of the bowl to cushion our fall...but at times we land hard on the cold steel...
The painful experiences in my life are innumerable...But I consider myself lucky to possess such a weak memory that does not let me recount these experiences even if I wish to do so...Maybe this isnt a stroke of luck, maybe its life's way of balancing...
Of all the things I've been through, I find hatred the most difficult to digest...and maybe rightly so...for which of us sensitive homo sapiens can accept the fact,not even possibilty mind you, of someone hating us...who among us can bear the burden of hatred when it comes crushing down heavily on us? Which of us can stand tall when the winds of hatred blow against us...heated words of hatred spiralling round and a tornado trying with all its might to uproot us from the solid ground...and the final blow is not when we see the storm approaching...but when we see the sky darkening from the side where we expected the sun to shine...
We do not choose to love or hate...but we choose to show our love or hatred...Is it such a difficult choice to make...?
What could I have possibly done to elicit such words from you...


vasudha said...

becoming more and more senti with each post?? im running out of words to comment...i loved the "sky turns dark where u expect the sun to shine from" part...beautiful line...and gr8 work as usual...:)

g3 said...

lol im so busy right now that i somehw land up at my blog only when i find the need to let out my emotions :(
will post better stuff very very soon...i promise *crosses fingers :D *