Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Identity crisis

How often have we proclaimed to ourselves in exasperation,"wish (s)he would understand me! " How often have we been victims of meaningless fights,born from a single root - misunderstandings ? How often have we regretted having fought with someone only cause we misunderstood her/him ?
sometimes i wonder if the reason why people misunderstand me if cause they'd like to understand me the way they want to...not withstanding who i really am...Or if people like to see only that in me which proves advantageous to them, and turn a blind eye to the rest in me...
True, you cant make everyone see who you really are, but is it naive to expect people who love you to know who you are? can you close your eyes and find atleast one among the many in your life,with whom you have never had a misunderstanding, someone who makes you feel like yourself, someone who feels like they are from within..?
But who is right about what i am? The people who see me from the outside? or I, who cannot see from within?
Is there someone who truly understands me...? I wonder...


vasudha said...

dunno if i fully understand u, dats for u to decide...but hi there :)!!

justfeelings said...

no one can understand you....not even you :) thats the mystery of life

hi there! jus came across your blog randomly..