Saturday, May 31, 2008

This day ,That age

A year back isn't exactly anyones idea of "that age" but i just wanted to know how it would feel to violate The Hindu 's copyright laws. Anyways, here goes nothing...
It was definitely a time when the world should have seemed like a gilt. The JEE results has just been announced and I was almost done packing for the Singapore-Malaysia trip my dad had planned in recompense for the two years of pressure. I was just months away from college(read freedom) and school had imparted to me all that it felt obliged to(read no more caviling about uniforms and homework),and whether i had actually grasped them is immaterial. But it certainly didn't feel that way.
Change is the hardest thing to cope with. I could see it giving me a baleful sneering grin and the present situation seemed like a respite it was offering me. I hated having to leave my friends and family behind, to shift to a village devoid of the hustle-bustle of the city,to no longer be in a class that bursts into boisterous laughter every 15 minutes and that offers you solace from boring theories in the form of cross-bench comments,to no longer have the company of my best friend and another...
Looking back on the by-gone year...
More often than not, its just the idea of change that is more painful than the change itself, but here the change won hands down. It is expected of humans to adapt to changes,but though i have adapted myself to it, i haven't accepted it and i continue to remonstrate against it to this day.
It is not like i am languishing in college, but school life is a world of its own,incomparable and singular.It will never have to concede defeat,for it has no competitors,for it never will enter the battlefield.


Sharu said...

mazin post... seriously too good... a nostalgic tone all thro'.. loved the part about Change giving you that sneer :)

I felt maybe it ended a bit flat... "...for it will never enter..." doesnt really seem rite... maybe just a "...and will never..." ?

The other posts are cool too... feel too lazy to comment on each :)

vasudha said...

really good...and i totally agree...changes r difficult :(

Divya Ravi said...

really touchin... n i mean it!!u've brought out ur most authentic feelings 'bout the transition 4m skl to coll-a turning point in everyones' life!--well appreciated
ps:all ur posts r fabulous but am commenting on the best:)

Unknown said...

"the only thing that is constant is change!"->thats the 2nd law of thermoD... and it applies to every aspect of 'that 4 letter word'(l.i.f.e)... one more of The Hindu's journalist's copyrighted stuff :P

amazing r u in weildin the keyboard! this blog entry was jus brilliant!! keep it up!